Lifestyle Blog

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New Lifestyle, New Habits

Welcome to my blog where I talk about all things lifestyle from fitness, fashion, health to personal growth! Learning all of these things continue to be a huge part of my life journey that I wish to share with all of you. Knowledge is power.

  • Prioritizing Yourself: The Key to Living Your Truth

    Living a Life Where Your Truth Shines Nowadays, it seems like the phrase “living in your truth” gets tossed around so carelessly. We all want to live in our truth, but what does that really mean? You’re here because you probably googled it, and it brought you here, so let’s break it down so we…

  • Recipe: Healthy Oven-baked Chicken Drums

    Oven baked Chicken Drums has always been my go-to recipe. I am naturally a lazy girl and want things to be done instantly but I also value delicious food. That is why, this recipe is made for the lazy cooks! It’s the best food discovery ever. Delicious, nutritious, packed with protein (of course!), and super…


  • Recipe: Healthy Oven-baked Chicken Drums

    Oven baked Chicken Drums has always been my go-to recipe. I am naturally a lazy girl and want things to be done instantly but I also value delicious food. That is why, this recipe is made for the lazy cooks! It’s the best food discovery ever. Delicious, nutritious, packed with protein (of course!), and super…


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